The condition of this sign is in the upper echelon of “Grape Nuts” signs; with only a superficial color flaw to the bottom right on the frame; 1/4″ x 2″ (see image); and a few slight scratches (see image–barely discernible) just inside to the left of the right frame. All in all, it is as good as it gets for this 100 year old advertising sign. Reproductions do not have the number “2776” in lower left corner. Often, reproductions are of a different size. The images have an inferior quality, lacking the detail of an original as this one (see close up images).
“Grape Nuts” signs of lesser quality can be had for much less than mine, but the very best commands a stronger price; (note George Cross Sale on April 13, 2008 lot #1708 $13,200).
*Note: See other outstanding tin advertising signs I have for sale.
Provenance: From a Colorado estate in the 1980’s and has resided in my own collection for over 30 years.
Dimensions:Height: 30.13 in (76.54 cm)Width: 20.13 in (51.14 cm)Depth: 1.19 in (3.03 cm)
Style:Folk Art(Of the Period)
Materials and Techniques:TinMolded
Place of Origin:United States
Period:Early 20th Century
Date of Manufacture:circa 1912
Condition:ExcellentSee description.
Seller Location:Incline Village, NV
Reference Number:Seller: LU97328788823
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